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Northern Virginia, United States
Beth Jannery is author of several non-fiction books. She teaches writing and communication at George Mason University. Beth is available for freelance writing & editing projects. Call: 860.798.2847

Simple Grace

Simple Grace
Simple Grace - Simple Miracles by Beth Jannery

Simple Grace - Living a Meaningful Life

Simple Grace - Living a Meaningful Life
Simple Grace - Living a Meaningful Life by Beth Jannery

Simple Grace Daily Joys by Beth Jannery

Daily Joys
By beth jannery

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Holding the Key

I believe you hold the key. 

We aren't supposed to talk about politics, finances or religion. I don't always follow rules. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't utter the words "God" or "Higher Power" or "Faith."  

For me, this is the key to life. It is the key that unlocks the secret door to Truth.

All three topics - politics, finances and religion - are great conversation pieces. 

This week a friend asked for thoughts about finding God. This friend is forming a new relationship with a power greater than him (call this power God, or Buddha or Karma or Grace or Love). He is searching for ideas and I love hearing about spiritual journeys.

The search for Truth is an ongoing dialogue with many of my friends and readers. It is a popular topic, even in the mainstream. This is why books such as: Conversations with God, Faith and Will, and Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith are scooped up. We are all seeking. 

These are my thoughts and my spin. You'll find your own, unless of course we follow the old rule and avoid the conversation for fear of disagreeing. Perhaps politics, money and faith are too private to discuss openly. 

Oh well, there I go breaking rules again.

Your search is beautiful. No right or wrong answer. It is all yours. No punishing adults to tell you when you are off track. No dismissive authority figure to put you down. Just love, friendship and your own personal relationship with God (when I say "God" I mean to say "higher power" whatever it is, or will be, for you).

- It has to be my own personal experiences with God. Until I could think about my own experiences with God (not some old, worn out version) then I could begin to define my relationship.

- I needed to understand what/who I was praying to. Not a rigid definition, but my own experiences and relationship. Not defined by someone else. I had to believe. I came to believe...

- What experiences have you shared. Go back as young as a child. Not the "father-figure/authoritative God" but the moments in life where you felt a presence. Where you talked to God and you knew there was something else at work in the world. 

For me, God became a "feeling" of experiences. I could recognize
this by remembering the times when I didn't feel alone. What were they for you?

- This is your own God, your own relationship. What is the "ideal" definition of God if you could create one? What adjectives would you use?

- God is Divine Mind - in this mind there are no limitations (no authority and no right or wrong). No limitations or restrictions.

- Instead of a Father/Son or Boss/Employee relationship, perhaps there is an Eternal Good sense. Or a Pure of Heart feeling. Have you ever felt this? Not scolding or condescending but a presence of not being alone. An overwhelming sense of peace - dare I say serenity. There can be no forgiveness without Absolute Love.

- Truth. What is your truth? What is your good and bad? Shine the light on that. Acceptance is God. A prayer I like: "God, help me to see the truth. Help me to set aside everything I think I know about you so I may have an open mind and a new experience."

- These are all ways I found my own experience with God and left the "old definition" of what I thought God was, or had to be.

- I think of God as my God/me = Protector or Guiding Force/I am the Seeker of His Will Rather than a Righteous Father/a fearful child.
- I had to create my own conception of God. Then I could pray to this God...I came up with the following:
God is the nurturing, source of absolute grace, the conscious spirit, pure selflessness and humility, oneness and goodness and truth and ultimately love, which is everlasting and found within me and found in you. Eternal and infinite.

In essence, God is grace, presence and love within.

Finally, God is love.

Friday, February 5, 2010

I Am Living in Truth If.....

You've heard me talk about graceful Emmet Fox before. I find anything Emmet always inspiriting. Fox kept it simple, just the way it should be. In life, he said, we should live in Truth. I agree, but how do we do this? How do we know if we are on the right path? 

A friend reminded me today how living in Truth is actually quite easy. I believe many of us complicate simplicity, if that makes sense. Wouldn't it be nice if there was some sort of list (how I love my lists) to know if we are really in Truth. You see where this is going, don't you? A new checklist! Yes, it can be that easy - a checklist toward Truth.

Are you living in Truth? There is a list for this, compliments of Emmet. Take a moment to see how many of the points you hit. Do it today. Do it again tomorrow. Do it the next day....track your get the idea.

I Am Really In Truth If: 
    If I always look for the best in each person, situation and thing.
    If I resolutely turn my back on the past, good or bad and live only in the present.
    If I forgive everybody without exception, no matter what he or she may have done; and if I then forgive myself completely.
    If I regard my job as sacred and do my work to the best of my ability.
    If I take every means to demonstrate a healthy body and harmonious surroundings.
    If I endeavor to make my life of as much service to others as possible.
    If I take every opportunity wisely to spread the knowledge of Truth to others.
    If I rigidly refrain from personal criticism, and neither speak nor listen to gossip.
    If I devote at least a hour a day to spirituality, meditation and meaningful reading.
    If I specifically claim spiritual understanding of myself every day.
    If I train myself to give the first thought on waking to how I may help others.
    If I live life always doing the next right thing. Think of the Golden Rule - the important point is that I practice it whether the other person does so or not.
    If above all, I understand that whatever I see is but a picture which can be changed for the better through living in Truth.

Are you observing these points in your life? Are you living in Truth? I know there are a few glaring points I need to work on. Always be gentle on yourself, and always remember this is a journey - a search for Truth. Someone I love defines spirituality as the search for meaning in life. I like that. Hope you do too.

The author took the liberty of editing the points to keep it "even more" simple.